Course Duration

Course Duration module helps you show the students interested in your course are currently enrolled to see the total time it will take them to complete that specific course.

For all the individual options press the “?” icon on hover to find a short description of what that attribute is for.


Content: In the Content section, you can customize the following attributes.


  • Course – You can Select which course you want to import the content for.
  • Label – Set what the label describing the Course Duration will say.
  • Layout – Set the layout of the Course Duration. Where you want the duration to show.
  • Alignment – Set the alignment for the text.
  • Gap – Set how many pixels gap you want between the text and the duration text


  • Module Link URL – When clicked the module will link to this URL.
  • Module Link Target – You can set whether or not your module link opens in the same window.

Admin Label

  • Admin Label – This will change the label of the module in the builder for easy identification.

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