

Course Builder Page Logo: Add the logo you want to display on the frontend course builder when instructors create or edit a course.

Column Per Row: Define how many columns you want to use to display courses on the Course Archive Page.

Course Filter: Show sorting and filtering options on the Course Archive Page.

​​Courses Per Page: Set the number of courses you want to display “per page” for pagination.

Preferred Course Filters: Choose the preferred filter options you’d like to show on the Course Archive Page.

Course Sorting: Enable this option to allow the courses to be sorted by Course Name or Creation Date in either Ascending or Descending order.


Layout settings of Tutor LMS

Instructor List Layout: Choose a layout for the list of instructors inside a course page. You can change this at any time. Options include:

  • Portrait
  • Cover
  • Minimal
  • Portrait Horizontal
  • Minimal Horizontal

Instructor Public Profile Layout: Choose a layout design for an instructor’s public profile. Options include:

  • Private
  • Modern
  • Minimal
  • Classic

Student Public Profile Layout: Choose a layout design for a student’s public profile. Options include:

  • Private
  • Modern
  • Minimal
  • Classic

Course Details

Course settings

Enable/Disable these options to have them show/conceal them on the frontend Course Details Page for your instructors. Only the admin can change these toggles. 

Instructor Info: Enable to show Instructor Info 

Q&A: Enable to add a Q&A section 

Author: Enable to show Course Author name 

Level: Enable to show Course Level 

Social Share: Enable to allow Course Social Share 

Course Duration: Enable to show Course Duration 

Total Enrolled: Enable to show Total Enrolled Students

Update Date: Enable to show the last date the course was updated.

Progress Bar: Enable to show the Course Progress of students

Material: Enable to show Course Materials

About: Enable to show the Course’s About section

Description: Enable to show Course Description

Benefits: Enable to show Course Benefits

Requirements: Enable to show Course Requirements

Target Audience: Enable to show the Course’s Target Audience

Announcements: Enable to show Course Announcements

Review: Enable to show Course Reviews

Sticky Sidebar: Enable to keep the sidebar fixed as users scroll through long pages. Learn how to keep the sidebar sticky by following this Sticky Sidebar Tutorial.

Position of the Enrollment Box in Mobile View: Define where you want the Enrollment Box to be positioned on your Course Details Page by selecting an option from here. Options include:

  • On Page Top
  • On Page Bottom

Showcase Certificate

Tutor LMS allows course creators to showcase certificates on course details pages, providing certificate previews to prospective students.

Prerequisite: The Certificate Builder plugin must be activated for the showcase feature to work if you’ve used the plugin to create your certificates. Details on downloading and using this plugin can be found in the Certificate Builder documentation.

The “Showcase Certificate” option is located under Tutor LMS > Settings > Design section. Enabling this toggle displays a certificate showcase on course details pages.

When enabled, course creators can now customize the section with the following:

  • Title: A Title for the showcase section
  • Description: A personalized message for the showcase section
Showcase certificate

The certificate showcase section is displayed on the Course Details page responsively across all themes and devices. Here’s the preview of this section on the course page:

preview of certificate section on the course page:


Course color settings

Preset Colors: These colors will be used throughout your website. Choose between these presets or create your own custom palette.

Primary Color: Choose a custom primary color

Primary Hover Color: Choose a custom primary hover color

Text Color: Choose a custom text Color for your website

Grey: Choose a color for elements like table, card, etc

Border: Choose a custom border color for your website

Video Player

Choose a video player for Tutor LMS videos

Use Tutor Player for YouTube: Enable this option to use the Tutor LMS video player for YouTube videos.

Use Tutor Player for Vimeo: Enable this option to use the Tutor LMS video player for Vimeo Videos.

Note: If you use Tutor Player, you’ll get two additional benefits.

  1. You can hide YouTube and Vimeo branding in the player.
  2. The video playback will continue from where the students last paused it.

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