REST API: Tutor LMS (Free)

Tutor LMS supports full WordPress REST API and multiple endpoints that you can read to use Tutor LMS resources as HTTP requests in JSON format.

Note: Currently Tutor LMS free version only provides the read-only capability for the free users. Authentication is required for the request to work.

Current Available Endpoints for Tutor LMS Free

Below is a list of read APIs that are ready for serving both native and third-party applications.

Note: In the following URLs “yourwebsiteaddress” refers to your live LMS website address.

Get Course

URL: http://yourwebsiteaddress/wp-json/tutor/v1/courses?order=&orderby=&paged=1&tags=tag1,tag2&categories=category1,category2
Type: GET
Parameters: optional
Pagination: true

Get Course Details By Course ID

URL: http://yourwebsiteaddress/wp-json/tutor/v1/courses/{course_id}
Type: GET
Parameter: required(number)

Get Course Topics By Course ID

URL: http://yourwebsiteaddress/wp-json/tutor/v1//topics?course_id={course_id}
Type: GET
Parameter: required(number)

Get Lesson By Topic ID

URL: http://yourwebsiteaddress/wp-json/tutor/v1/lessons?topic_id={lesson_id}
Type: GET
Parameter: required(number)

Course Announcements By Course ID

URL: http://yourwebsiteaddress/wp-json/tutor/v1/course-annoucement/{course-id}
Type: GET
Parameter: required(number)

Quiz By Topic ID

URL: http://yourwebsiteaddress/wp-json/tutor/v1/quiz/{topic-id}
Type: GET
Parameter: required(number)

Quiz Questions By Quiz ID

URL: http://yourwebsiteaddress/wp-json/tutor/v1/quiz-question-answer/{quiz-id}
Type: GET
Parameter: required(number)

Author Info By Author ID

URL: http://yourwebsiteaddress/wp-json/tutor/v1/author-information/{author-id}
Type: GET
Parameter: required(number)

Course Ratings By Course ID

URL: http://yourwebsiteaddress/wp-json/tutor/v1/course-rating/{course-id}
Type: GET
Parameter: required(number)

Course Content

URL: http://yourwebsiteaddress/wp-json/tutor/v1/course-contents/{course_id}
Type: GET

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