Bundle Benefits

The Tutor LMS “Bundle Benefits” widget displays the list of skills and knowledge learners can acquire from the bundled courses. Listed under the “What I will learn?” title, it provides a clear overview of the valuable takeaways they will acquire.

Content Settings


The options are the content settings tab is listed below:

  • Title: Set the title for the list of benefits.
  • Layout: Choose between a List view (2 columns) or an Inline view (single line) to showcase the course benefits.
  • List Icon: Choose the icon for the benefits list. You can either choose an icon from the Font Awesome icon list or upload your own custom icon.
  • Alignment: Set the left, middle, or right alignment for the content.

Style Settings

The Style tab contains four different customization options. These are:

  1. Course Benefit Title
  2. Course Benefit List
  3. Course Benefit Icon
  4. Course Benefit Text

Here are the available customization options under each of those:

  • Course Benefit Title: Customize course benefits’ titles with color, typography, and gap adjustments for a cohesive look.
    • Color: Choose the perfect hue for course benefits to match your website’s theme.
    • Typography: Take full control of text appearance with font, size, and line height adjustments.
    • Gap: Adjust the gap between the title and text for a balanced layout.
  • Course Benefit List: Customize the course benefits list with spacing, border type, radius, and padding options.
    • Space Between: Fine-tune spacing between individual items for an organized look.
    • Border type: Choose solid, double, dashed, groove, or dotted border around the list.
    • Border Radius: Control the roundedness of list edges for visual appeal.
    • Padding: Optimize layout by adjusting list padding.
  • Course Benefit Icon: Personalize benefits with custom colors and icons.
    • Color: Choose suitable icon colors for a cohesive design.
    • Icon: Select visually engaging icons for course benefits.
  • Course Benefit Text: Refine course benefits’ text with color, indent, and typography options.
    • Color: Select text color for a consistent visual experience.
    • Text Indent: Control indentation for improved readability.
    • Typography: Customize font, size, line height, etc for appealing text.

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