Course Rating

Add this add-on to show your Course’s Star Rating on the Elementor post or page you are building. To add it, simply drag & drop it to your desired section or click on the plus button inside any section.

Tutor LMS Elementor Integration Course Rating

Once added, you’ll be able to customize the add-on using the following options:


  • Layout: Select if the layout of the Course Rating Add-on will be horizontal or vertical. Since this is a responsive option, you can set it differently for different types of devices.
  • Alignment: Select whether the horizontal alignment will be to the left, center, or right. This too is a responsive option, so you can set it differently for various device types.


Next up, it’s time to customize the Course Rating add-on’s Style. Let’s go over the options we have available to do this.

Rating Stars:

  • Star Color: Choose the color of the star from a wide range of colors in the color palette.
  • Star Size: Define the size of the rating stars. This is a responsive function so you can set it differently for different types of devices.
  • Typography: Adjust the typography for the Course Rating’s text from here. 
  • Text Color: Set the color of the Course Rating text from here.
  • Gap: Define the gap size between each rating star. This is also a responsive option, so you set it differently for various devices.

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