
This section of the Advanced Settings allows you to customize the extended capabilities of your Tutor LMS. It has two different sections: the first one is Course and the second one is Options. Let’s explain both of these:


Advanced course settings

Gutenberg Editor: Enable this option so you can create your Courses using the Glutenberg Editor.

Hide Course Products on Shop Page: Hide Tutor Courses from the Shop Page and only show other WooCommerce Products to be sold from here. 

You can visit this page through the URL YourTutorSite/shop. Note that YourTutorSite should be replaced with your site’s domain name.

Course Archive Page: This page will be used to list all the published courses.

Instructor Registration Page: Select the page that contains the Instructor Registration form using which new instructors can sign up.

Student Registration Page: Select the page that contains the Student Registration form using which new students can sign up.

Youtube API Key: Insert the YouTube API key to host Live Streaming Sessions using YouTube. You can generate the API key by following our YouTube API key documentation.

Hide Admin Bar and Restrict Access to WP Admin for Instructors: This option allows you to hide the WordPress Admin Bar entirely from the frontend for instructors while it remains visible to admins.

Base permalink settings

Course Permalink Base: Define the permalink base text for your courses. Example: YourTutorSite/courses/sample-course/. Changing the value there will update the “courses” part of your URL.

Lesson Permalink Base: Define the permalink base text for the URL of your lessons. Example: YourTutorSite/courses/sample-course/lesson/sample-lesson/

Quiz Permalink Base: Define the permalink base text for your quizzes. Example: YourTutorSite/courses/sample-course/quizzes/sample-quiz/. Changing the value there will update the “quiz” part of your URL.

Assignment Permalink Base: Define the permalink base text for the URL of your assignments. Example: YourTutorSite/courses/sample-course/assignments/sample-assignment/


Advanced options of Tutor LMS

Profile Completion: Enable this feature to show a notification bar to students and instructors prompting them to complete their profile information.

Enable Tutor Login: Enable this to make use of the Tutor Login modal instead of the default WordPress Login page.

Login Page: Select the page that will be used as the Login page for both the students and instructors.

Erase upon Uninstallation: Enable this option to delete all data during uninstallation.

Maintenance Mode: Enabling the maintenance mode allows you to display a custom message on the frontend. During this time, visitors cannot access the site content but the WP Admin Dashboard will remain accessible.

Content Security

Content security

Prevent Hotlinking: Enable this option to safeguard your content by blocking unauthorized sharing.

Copy Protection: It will disable the right-click actions and keep your website content secure against unauthorized copying.

The hotlink prevention feature works by modifying your .htaccess file. Make sure you have the write permission of .htaccess file.

If you don’t have the write aceess to the .htacees file, you’ll get a warning message like following:

htaccess warning

AI Studio

Insert OpenAl API Key for AI Studio

Enable AI Studio: Turn on this option to use Tutor LMS AI Studio to generate courses along with lessons, quizzes, etc within Tutor LMS.

Insert OpenAI API Key: Set your OpenAI API Key here to use Tutor LMS AI Studio uninterruptedly.

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