The Assignments add-on allows instructors to assign tasks to students based on each topic inside the courses. You can create as many Assignments as you want and either drag-drop Assignments so they’re placed between lessons and quizzes or have them placed at the end of each topic.
To use the Assignments feature, you must first enable the Assignments add-on as this is a pro functionality. You can do this by going to WP Admin > Tutor LMS Pro > Add-ons and enabling Assignments.
After that, reload the page and you’ll see a new menu item called Assignments under Tutor LMS Pro. This menu will not have any content in the beginning. It will start generating data once students start submitting their Assignments. So now, let’s add an Assignment to a course.
Creating a New Assignment
Open any Course in edit mode (or create a new one) and under the Curriculum section open any Topic and you’ll see a button named Assignments.
Click on that to create a new Assignment and this will open a new popup window.
Now, you can fill in the following necessary information to create an assignment for the students:
Title: Enter the title of your Assignment.
Content: Explain the task briefly in this section. As this is a text editor, you can use the tools to format the text, add links, and also add media.
Attachments: If you want to provide sample questions, research papers, or any kind of additional instructional resource, you can attach those files by clicking on the Upload Attachment button.
Time Limit: Set the Time Limit of the Assignment. This will be applied as soon as the student views the Assignment on the Course Journey Page. You can set any number starting from zero. Here, zero means no time limit. You can then select a unit from the dropdown beside this field. Options include Weeks, Days, and Hours.
After the time limit is over, the student will not be able to upload any files on the Assignment section nor submit the Assignment.
Total Points: Define the total marks a student can obtain by completing this Assignment here. You can set any number larger than zero.
Minimum Pass Points: Define the minimum mark to be obtained to pass this Assignment. You can set any number larger than zero and smaller than or equal to the Total Points defined earlier.
File Upload Limit: Set any number larger than zero if you want to allow the students to upload files. If you don’t want the students to upload any files and just type the text on the submission page then set this to zero.
Maximum File Size Limit: Define a File Size Limit (in Megabytes) here for the files students will upload for this Assignment. You can specify any number larger than zero. This field helps restrict the upload of any file that exceeds this limit.
Finally, add this new Assignment to your course by clicking on the Save button.
Submitting an Assignment
Students will find the Assignment on the Course Journey Page i.e. Lesson View. Here, you’ll be able to see the Assignment Name, Duration, Deadline, Total Marks, Passing Marks, and Description.
To submit an answer, all you have to do is click on the Start Assignment Submit button.
Doing this will take you to an Assignment Submission form that looks as shown in the image above. Here, you can enter your answer text in the Assignment Submission field and click on Choose File button to open the File Manager and select the file you want to upload.
Finally, you can finish off your submission by clicking on the Submit Assignment button. Your page will reload and a new table will appear listing the Date of submission, Total Marks, Pass Marks, Earned Marks, and the Result.
If the submission is not yet evaluated, then the earned marks column will be blank and the result will be Pending.
Viewing and Evaluating Assignments
Admins and Instructors can view assignments from both the backend and the frontend dashboard of your website.
To find the submitted Assignments navigate to WP Admin > Tutor LMS Pro > Assignments.
Here, you’ll find all the submitted assignments listed with details like Assignment Name, Student, Total Points, Minimum Pass Points, Duration, and Star & End Dates.
You can click on the Evaluate button to see and evaluate the submitted answers or use the Delete button to remove a submission.
To view all Assignments from the frontend you can go to Frontend Dashboard > Assignments.
Then, simply click on the Details to see the submissions if any. There, you can click on Evaluate again to evaluate a submitted assignment.
Evaluating Assignments
As mentioned earlier, you can evaluate assignments from both the backend and the frontend.
Go to WP Admin > Tutor LMS > Assignments and click on the Evaluate button and you’ll see the panel shown above.
Or, you can also go to your site’s Frontend Dashboard > Assignments and click on Evaluate.
Once you’ve entered the Assignments Evaluation Panel, you’ll first be greeted with basic details about the Assignment like Course Name, Student Name, and Submitted Date.
Then, you’ll find the student’s typed answer in the Assignment Description section followed by the files they uploaded which you can download and view by clicking on the download icon.
Lastly, you can submit your Evaluation of the Assignment by filling in the Evaluation Form.
Your Points: Enter the total points you want to award for this assignment. The tooltip beside this field will let you know what the Total Points are for this assignment and you can award anything between 0 and this number.
Feedback: You can use this field to share your thoughts on this Assignment.
To finish off, submit your evaluation by clicking on the Evaluate This Submission button.
Assignment Resubmission
Some students perform well in assignments while some perform miserably. In the case of the latter, some would want to resubmit their assignment work if their initial evaluation results are not satisfying.
To allow this, you can delete their submitted assignment from the Instructor’s Backend Panel by logging into your website and heading over to WP Admin > Tutor LMS > Assignments, and clicking on the Delete button beside the submission in question.
Once an assignment is deleted, a new version of the task can be resubmitted as long as it’s within the specified time limit.