Course Content

Show what’s included in the course on the course description page to grab the attention of the users. Making it easier for them to make the purchase decision. 

For all the individual options press the “?” icon on hover to find a short description of what that attribute is for.


In the “Content” section, you will be able to set the following attributes:

Course Benefits

Course: Select the course to which you want to add the Tutor Course Content module. 

Label: Use the text box to set the title of the “Course Benefits” section.

Layout: Pick a layout option between lists and in-line.

Icon: Use this option to select an icon for the list from the icon library.

Alignment: Set the alignment of the title text using the three predefined alignment options.

Course Curriculum

Label: Use the text box to set the title of the “Course Curriculum” section.

Course Reviews

Label: Use the text box to set the title of the “Course Reviews” section.

Module Link URL – When clicked the module will link to this URL.

Module Link Target – You can set whether or not your module link opens in the same window.

Admin Label

Admin Label – This will change the label of the module in the builder for easy identification.

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