
In this section, you will find miscellaneous tools that help you maintain your Tutor LMS website more effectively. Let us go over what these are:


Tutor LMS Menus - Tools: Status

The Status tab allows you to monitor all essential backend information of your website, such as server environments, WordPress environments, and so on.


Tutor LMS Menus - Tools: Import/Export

From the Import/Export tab, you can export your Tutor LMS Settings as well as import them. To export, simply click on the Export Settings button. To Import, drag & drop your previously exported .JSON file into the area shown. You can also click on the Browse button to upload it directly from your local device. Click on Update Settings to finish off.

Remember that actions like importing, restoring, or resetting will completely overwrite your current settings so be cautious of what you want to do and make sure to create a backup beforehand.

Next up, you’ll find a section with a running history of every time Tutor LMS Settings were updated and you can even go back to any of those states by clicking on the Apply button.

Tutor Pages

Tutor LMS Menus - Tools: Tutor Pages

The Tutor Pages tab will help you generate the default pages that come with WordPress. If for some reason, those pages get removed, then you can use the Re-generate Tutor Pages button to add them back.

Setup Wizard

Tutor LMS Menus - Tools: Setup Wizard

Lastly, if you for some reason skipped the Setup Wizard that launches when Tutor LMS is first installed, you can go through it again from here. This setup wizard allows you to go through all the essential settings inside Tutor LMS quickly so that you can deploy your platform in no time.

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