Block Wrapper is helpful when you need more flexibility in your block designs. Like alignment, background or positioning control. It is like a container or div to hold another block inside.

Background Color: Use this RGBA settings to change the background color of the Wrapper block.
Background Type: Pick between two types of background
- Image: Pick an image as the background
- Image Type: Pick between local image and external source
- Background Image: Pick from the media library or upload a new one
- Image Source: Use a URL source for the media library.
- Image Type: Pick between local image and external source
- Gradient:
- Color picker: Pick two colors for the gradient background. The gradient will be generated between these two colors.
- Gradient Type:
- Linear: Picks a linear gradient model that applies the gradient on an axis.
- Gradient Angle: Pick the angle of the axis on which the gradient will be applied.
- Radial: Picks a radial gradient model, where the gradient will be generated from a certain point.
- Radial Pointer: Pick the point where the color will generate from.
- Linear: Picks a linear gradient model that applies the gradient on an axis.
- Color 1 Stop: Pick the color 1 stop position. The higher it is, the sharper the gradient shift
- Color 2 Start: Pick the color 2 start position. The lower this is, the sharper the gradient shift.
Padding: Pick the padding around the accordion items. You can either pick a uniform radius or edit each of them individually. Responsiveness tabs are also present. You can choose from three different units for this slider: PX, EM, and percentage.
Border: Pick a border type for the items
Border Color: Use this RGBA color picker to pick a border color.
Border Width: Use this slider to change the border’s width.
Box Shadow: Enable this toggle if you want a box-shadow effect around this block.
- Color: Lets you choose the color of the shadow.
- X: Lets you define the length of the shadow in the X-axis.
- Y: Lets you define the length of the shadow in the Y-axis.
- Blur: Lets you control the blurriness of the shadow.
- Spread: Lets you control how far the shadow will spread.
Radius: Pick the radius on the entire Wrapper block. This will create a rounded square effect on the block. You can either pick a uniform radius or pick specific radii values for each corner. Responsiveness tabs are also present. You can choose from three different units for this slider: PX, EM, and percentage.
Background Color: Use this RGBA settings to change the background color of the Wrapper block.
Background Type: Pick between two types of background
- Image: Pick an image as the background
- Background Image: Pick from the media library or upload a new one
Border Color: Use this RGBA color picker to pick a border color.
Box Shadow: Enable this toggle if you want a box-shadow effect around this block.
- Color: Lets you choose the color of the shadow.
- X: Lets you define the length of the shadow in the X-axis.
- Y: Lets you define the length of the shadow in the Y-axis.
- Blur: Lets you control the blurriness of the shadow.
Spread: Lets you control how far the shadow will spread
To make the block more interesting, you can add an animation effect. It is disabled by default, to enable this feature, choose an effect from the dropdown list. Once you choose your desired one, then start making modifications as you see fit. The units are in milliseconds. Note: Duration is how long the animation will run and Delay is the waiting time before the animation starts loading. The following effects are currently available.
- Fade: Selecting this will animate your table of contents block with a fading animation.
- Slide: Animate your table of contents block with a sliding animation.
- Bounce: If you want to animate your table of contents block with a bouncing animation then select this.
- Zoom: This option will animate your table of contents block with a Zooming animation.
- Flip: Animate your table of contents block with a Flipping animation using this option.
- Fold: Selecting this will animate your table of contents block with a sliding animation.
- Rotate: This will animate your table of contents block with a rotating animation.
Note: You can control from which direction the animation will start such as from the center, right, left, up or down. Also, control how many times the animation will repeat. You can also select the duration and the starting delay of the animation in milliseconds.
Enable Tablet: If you want to enable the interactions for tablet users to enable this to start showing tablet users the image interactions.
Enable Mobile: If you want to enable the interactions for mobile users to enable this to start showing mobile users the image interactions.
Enable Mouse Movement: You can select the way how your interactions work with your mouse movement. There are multiple options once you enable it. You can choose the direction from Direct/Opposite, speed from a scale of 1 to 10, maximum from a scale of 5 to 75.
Live Button: This button will give you “Live experience” on how your interactions work depending on how you set it. Click on it to get an overview.
This section lets you override the current styling of this particular block.
Enable Custom Position: If you want to set the block to a custom position then simply enable this option. After enabling you will find the following options
From X-axis: Select from the slider what position you want the image block to be in according to the X-axis. The range limits from -2000 to 2000.
From Y-axis: Select from the slider what position you want the image block to be in according to the X-axis. The range limits from -2000 to 2000.
Z – Index: If any of your blocks override another, then you can set a value here, the one with the higher value will appear before the other.
Hide on Tablet/Phone: Turn it on to hide this block in your desired device. The change will appear on the frontend.
Block Row CSS: In case you need to override current block settings, you can write down your own code followed by {{QUBELY}} to override the current settings.Additional CSS Class: You might need to name a block in order to make custom modifications in the future, this is the field where you define the name.