
The WP Crowdfunding plugin is translation ready, so you can translate it into your own language. The default language of the plugin is English. But if you want to translate the plugin texts into your own tongue, you can do it easily. You can translate the plugin using the Poedit software on your computer.

Step 1:
Download Poedit and install it on your computer. Poedit is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Visit to download the software.

Step 2:
Copy ‘wp-crowdfunding.pot’ file from the ‘…./wp-content/plugins/wp-crowdfunding/language/wp-crowdfunding.pot’
directory/path to your local directory.

Step 3:
Open this file with Poedit software and edit your strings.

After editing the .pot file, save it. Two files will be created- .po and .mo.

Upload these two files to the live directory (…./wp-content/plugins/wp-crowdfunding/language/)

Step 4:
Change your own site language from Dashboard > Settings > General

That’s it! Translating the WP Crowdfunding plugin is complete!

Better Solution

We have an article on how to translate WordPress themes and plugins with Loco. It’s super easy. Have a look here.

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